Languages and Language Policies in Insular Southeast Asia

Focusing on the Philippines and Malaysia

  • 河原俊昭/2002年11月
  • 5950円(本体)/A5判・210頁

(ISBN 4921146640)


1 General Linguistic Situations of Insular Southeast Asia
1.1 An Overview of Sociolinguistic Situations
1.2 Languages Spoken in Each Country
1.3 An Overview of the Historical Background of Sociolinguistic Situations
2 Lingusitic Situations in a Filipino Family and Two Functions of Language
2.1 A Case Study of a Filipino Family
2.2 Function of Language
2.3 Two Functions in a Society
2.4 Development of Two Functions as a Whole
3 Linguistic Situations in a Malaysian Family and Linguistic Verticality
3.1 A Case Study of a Malaysian Family
3.2 Diglossia
3.3 Practical/Identifying Function and Verticality
3.4 Verticality of Sociolinguistic Structure
3.5 Characteristics of Verticality
3.6 Competence Disparity and Elite Closure
3.7 Identifying Function (Dummy High)
4 Language Policy
4.1 What Is Language Policy?
4.2 Language Policies in Developed Countries and Developing Countries
4.3 Analysis of Language Policies
4.4 The First Point: The Selection of a New Common
4.5 The Second Point: The Replacement of Colonial Language
4.6 The Third Point: The Replacement of Immigrant
4.7 Appeal of Nationalism
4.8 Education
4.9 The Fourth Point: The Sophistication of Language
4.10 Identifying Function and Pidgin/Creole
5 Lingusitics Verticality: Its Comparison and Its Transition
5.1 Comparison of Gactors Deciding Language Policies
5.2 Structure of Linguistic Verticality
Conclusions and Suggestions


著書に『アジア英語辞典』(共著、三省堂)、『異文化理解の座標軸』(共著、日本図書センター)、『自治体の言語サービス 多言語社会への扉をひらく』(春風社)など。



