Discourse Marker Well in Spoken American English

Some Suggestions for Politeness and Cross-Linguistics

  • 高村遼(著)/2023年12月
  • 6000円(本体)/A5判上製298頁
  • 装丁:矢萩多聞


(ISBN 9784861109263)


Transcription conventions

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Study aims
1.2 Outline

Chapter 2 Conceptual background: Definitions and assumptions
2.1 Discourse markers
2.2 Grammaticalization
2.3 Functional-semantic modes of language
2.4 Politeness theory

Chapter 3 Previous studies on well
3.1 Synchronic perspectives
3.2 Diachronic perspectives
3.3 Syntactic and semantic perspectives
3.4 Well and politeness

Chapter 4 Functions of well: Interpersonal and textual modes from the perspective of politeness
4.1 Data
4.2 Interpersonal functions
4.3 Textual functions
4.4 Summary and Discussion

Chapter 5 Bon as a discourse marker
5.1 The multifunctional nature of bon
5.2 Interpersonal functions
5.3 Textual functions
5.4 Relevance of findings: Case of bueno in Spanish
5.5 Summary and Discussion

Chapter 6 Theoretical implications
6.1 Discourse markers
6.2 Grammaticalization
6.3 Functional-semantic modes of language
6.4 Politeness theory

Chapter 7 Concluding remarks
7.1 Summary
7.2 Further issues

Name index
Subject index


高村 遼(たかむら・りょう)
主な論文に”Pragmatic functions of wara in Japanese text messages”. Journal of Japanese Linguisticsなど。


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