Yu Kun to Rei Chan

Yohga, Monogatari no Hazimari

  • Midori SUZUKI / 2005.7
  • JPY 1,500 / B5 extentional size, 36 pages

A Yohga is a way of drawing that uses fallen leaves instead of paints. Leaves that withered in the course of nature revive vividly in this story. This is the first leaf picture book with hope for rebirth in which two young people wander into a mysterious.
Word of recommendation
Four years after coming across the picture of fallen leaves, Midori finally realized her dream. This is the world that can be expressed by leaf painting and that is expressed only by it.
– Yohsaiga / Akazaki Kazuo
(ISBN 4861100437)


Gagoh: Asunaro. From Akita prefecture. She graduated Daito Bunka University, Chinese literature department. Worked for high school in Kisarazu Sogo (formerly Kisarazu Chuo) in Chiba Prefecture. “Mysterious Flower Club” instructor. JLFA Yohga instructor.

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