Low Fertility and Local Values through the Lens of Demographic Anthropology: Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Thailand and Sexuality and Reproduction in Japan

Low Fertility and Local Values through the Lens of Demographic Anthropology

Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Thailand and Sexuality and Reproduction in Japan

  • 森木美恵(著)/2024年12月
  • 4000円(本体)/四六判上製168頁
  • 装丁:中本那由子

How are macro population structures linked to the value systems of local communities? In this book, the author explores this question using innovative methods of demographic anthropology that combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to the cases of Thailand and Japan.


(ISBN 9784861109553)



Aims of this Book
A Contribution to Demographic Anthropology

The Case of Thailand: Population Aging and Elderly Care
The Case of Japan: Sexuality and Reproduction

Data Collection in Bangkok: Statistical Considerations and Ethnographic Approach
Data Collection in Tokyo and Other Parts of Japan: Exploring Alternative Methods

Traditional Old-age Co-residence
Determinants of Living Arrangements: Quantitative Results
Ethnographic Insights: Qualitative Results

Meaning of Sexual Activities: Social Sexuality and Solo Sexuality
Dating Relationships and Reproductive Future with the Girlfriend




MORIKI, Yoshie  森木 美恵

Professor, International Christian University
Ph.D., Anthropology and Demography, Pennsylvania State University
Areas of Specialization: Demographic Anthropology, Area Studies
国際基督教大学(ICU) 教授

Main Works
Moriki, Yoshie. 2017. “Physical Intimacy and Happiness in Japan: Sexless Marriages and Parent-Child Co-sleeping.” In Happiness and the Good Life in Japan, edited by Wolfram Manzenreiter and Barbara Holthus. London: Routledge.
森木美恵、米田亮太 2022『文化横断調査:ソーシャルワーク研究のためのポケットガイド』(訳書)東京:新曜社。(Moriki, Yoshie, and Ryota Yoneda. 2022. Cross-Cultural Research. Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.)
森木美恵、松倉力也 2022.「セックスレス・カップルと価値観:出生力とセクシュアリティの観点から」『セクシュアリティの人口学』(小島宏、和田光平編著)東京:原書房。
(Moriki, Yoshie, and Rikiya Matsukura. 2022. “Sexless couples and family values in Japan: Analyses from Fertility and Sexuality Viewpoints.” In The Demography of Sexuality, edited by Hiroshi Kojima and Kohei Wada. Tokyo: Harashobo.)


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From Apau Kayan, Borneo to Tokyo: The Adventure of a Kenyah Dayak Man Who Met a Japanese Person

  • 井上真、ンダン・イマン(著)/2024年12月
  • 2200円(本体)/四六判312頁

戦後の貧困から脱するため経済成長を追求してきたインドネシアと日本それぞれで生まれ育った2 人による半生記。インドネシアの先住民ケニァ・ダヤックのンダンと、かれの東京大学での博士号取得に深く関わった日本人のマコトの、人生の物語が交差する。日本語・英語併記。
(ISBN 9784868160090(電子版)、978-4-86816-011-3(Amazon POD))



1 章:誕生
主旋律 消えたロング・ドゥム村/誕生/長大家屋/大移動/生活/スハルト新秩序
助奏 誕生/父と母
2 章:幼少時代
主旋律 飛行機が怖い/マレーシアとの国境紛争/狩りの経験/焼畑と食事/好きな食べ物/狩りを教えてくれた父
助奏 信じてくれた母
3 章:小学校時代
主旋律 お仕置きが怖い/石の筆記用具と宿題/外の世界/飛行場の開設/卒業前の改名勧告
助奏 高度経済成長:1955~1973年の日本/大やけどと疎外感/ほろ苦い少年野球
4 章:中学校時代 
主旋律 ロング・ナワン村への旅/中学校での挑戦/飢饉への対応/授業料/初めての靴/残念な結末/国軍の存在:1970年代のインドネシア
助奏 「一億層中流」と第一次オイルショック/繰り返された暴力への抵抗
5 章:都市生活と劣等感
主旋律 州都サマリンダへ/サマリンダの中学校卒業/先住民としての劣等感/先住民の自信回復/高校・大学での生活と学習/インドネシアの経済発展:1970~1980年代
助奏 ジャパン・アズ・ナンバーワン:1980年前後の日本/高校時代のバスケットボール部/大学受験/東京での下宿生活/劣等感から心地よさへ/大学でのバスケットボール場外戦/専門学部・学科の選択
6 章:就職と結婚
主旋律 就職活動の苦しみ/結婚/「開発」の時代とスハルト退陣:1990年代のインドネシア
助奏 就職の選択/林業試験場での青春時代/なぜ外国の研究? なぜ国際協力?/カリマンタン滞在/バブルの絶頂と崩壊:1990年前後の日本
7 章:日本での博士号取得
主旋律 日本人との出会いと奥地でのフィールドワーク/新たな挑戦/日本の印象/日本の食事/博士号取得/次の夢
助奏 そこに暮らす人々に資する政策研究と国際協力/「港」としての井上ゼミ/ンダンへの期待


From Apau Kayan, Borneo to Tokyo: The Adventure of a Kenyah Dayak Man Who Met a Japanese Person

Introduction: Background Information Kalimantan / Borneo’s Indigenous People / Dayak Typification / Worldviews and Beliefs / Attack on a Dutch Garrison by Japanese Troops

Chapter 1: Birth
Main Theme  The Disappeared Village of Long Dumu / Birth / Longhouses / The Great Move / Lifestyle / Establishment of Suharto’s New Order / A Terrible War / Headhunting / Frugal Living
Obbligato  Birth / Father and Mother
Chapter 2: Early Life   
Main Theme  Scared of Airplanes / Border Dispute with Malaysia / Hunting Experiences / Swidden Agriculture and Food / Favorite Food / Taught How to Hunt by His Father
Obbligato  A Mother Who Believed in Him
Chapter 3: Elementary School Years
Main Theme  Afraid of Punishment / Stone Writing Tools and Homework / The Outside World / Opening of the Airfield / Name Change Recommendation Ahead of Graduation
Obbligato  High Economic Growth / Severe Burns and Alienation / Bittersweet Youth Baseball
Chapter 4: Middle School Years
Main Theme  Journey to Long Nawang Village / Working Hard in Middle School / Responding to Famine / Tuition Fees / Ndan’s First Pair of Shoes / An Unfortunate Conclusion / Presence of the National Armed Forces
Obbligato  The “All-Japanese-Are-Middle-Class” Mentality and the First Oil Shock / Resisting Repeated Violence
Chapter 5: Life in the City and an Inferiority Complex  
Main Theme  To the Provincial Capital Samarinda / Graduating from Middle School in Samarinda / Inferiority Complex as an Indigenous Person / Restored Self-Confidence as an Indigenous Person / Life and Learning in High School and University / Indonesian Economic Development
Obbligato  Japan as Number One / High School Basketball Club / University Entrance Exams / Boarding Life in Tokyo / Inferiority Complex to Feeling Good / Fighting on the Basketball Court at University / Choosing Specialization
Chapter 6: Getting a Job and Getting Married   
Main Theme  The Struggles of Job Hunting / Marriage / The Age of “Development” and Suharto’s Withdrawal
Obbligato  Choosing a Job / Adolescence at the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute / Why Study Foreign Countries? Why International Cooperation? / Sojourn in Kalimantan / Peak and Bursting of the Bubble
Chapter 7: Getting a PhD in Japan   
Main Theme  Meeting a Japanese Person and Hinterland Fieldwork / New Endeavors / Impressions of Japan / Japanese Food / Obtaining a PhD / The Next Dream
Obbligato  Policy Research and International Cooperation That Benefits Local Residents / The Inoue Seminar as a “Port” / Expectations for Ndan
Commentary    The Behavioral Principles of Swidden Farmers / Migrant Work as Travel / The Likelihood of a Turning Point / Importance of a “Relational World” / The Forest and Swidden Agriculture in a “Relational World” /Role of External Experts / Experience before “Being Made” / Meaning of Learning from the Field
Afterword (1) by Ndan Imang   
Afterword (2) by INOUE Makoto  











井上真(いのうえ まこと)/INOUE Makoto
1960年山梨県生まれ。茨城県つくば市在住。早稲田大学・人間科学学術院教授、東京大学名誉教授。農学博士(東京大学)。専門は環境社会学、森林ガバナンス論、東南アジア地域研究。東京大学農学部卒。国立林業試験場(現・森林総合研究所)、インドネシア共和国・教育文化省・熱帯降雨林研究センター(JICA 長期派遣専門家)、東京大学・大学院農学生命科学研究科を経て、2017年より現職。環境社会学会会長、環境経済・政策学会副会長、現代文化人類学会副会長、熱帯生態学会評議員など歴任。日本環境会議(JEC)代表理事。主著は『コモンズの思想を求めて:カリマンタンの森で考える(新世界事情))』(岩波書店、2004年)。趣味は空手道(全日本空手道連盟和道会5段・指導員2級、日本スポーツ協会空手道コーチ1)
Born in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1960, he lives in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. He is a professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo. He earned his Doctor of Agriculture degree from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Tokyo. He specializes in environmental sociology, forest governance, and Southeast Asian area studies. After working at the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute; Tropical Rainforest Research Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (JICA Long-Term Expert); and Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, he assumed his current position in 2017. He has served as President of the Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology, Vice President of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vice President of the Japanese Society for Current Anthropology, and Trustee of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology. He is also the Representative Director of the Japan Environmental Council (JEC) and author of In Search of the Idea of the Commons: Thinking with the Forests of Kalimantan(New World Affairs) (Iwanami Shoten, 2004). His hobby is karate-do (Japan Karatedo Federation Wado-kai 5th dan, instructor 2nd grade, Japan Sports Association karatedo coach 1).

ンダン イマン/Ndan Imang
Born in Long Dumu in 1964, he lives in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, Republic of Indonesia. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Murawarman University. He has a PhD in Agriculture from the University of Tokyo. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture at Murawarman University, where he also completed a Master’s degree in forestry. He specializes in agricultural socioeconomics, swidden agriculture, and agribusiness.


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Discourse Marker Well in Spoken American English

Discourse Marker Well in Spoken American English

Some Suggestions for Politeness and Cross-Linguistics

  • 高村遼(著)/2023年12月
  • 6000円(本体)/A5判上製298頁
  • 装丁:矢萩多聞


(ISBN 9784861109263)


Transcription conventions

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Study aims
1.2 Outline

Chapter 2 Conceptual background: Definitions and assumptions
2.1 Discourse markers
2.2 Grammaticalization
2.3 Functional-semantic modes of language
2.4 Politeness theory

Chapter 3 Previous studies on well
3.1 Synchronic perspectives
3.2 Diachronic perspectives
3.3 Syntactic and semantic perspectives
3.4 Well and politeness

Chapter 4 Functions of well: Interpersonal and textual modes from the perspective of politeness
4.1 Data
4.2 Interpersonal functions
4.3 Textual functions
4.4 Summary and Discussion

Chapter 5 Bon as a discourse marker
5.1 The multifunctional nature of bon
5.2 Interpersonal functions
5.3 Textual functions
5.4 Relevance of findings: Case of bueno in Spanish
5.5 Summary and Discussion

Chapter 6 Theoretical implications
6.1 Discourse markers
6.2 Grammaticalization
6.3 Functional-semantic modes of language
6.4 Politeness theory

Chapter 7 Concluding remarks
7.1 Summary
7.2 Further issues

Name index
Subject index


高村 遼(たかむら・りょう)
主な論文に”Pragmatic functions of wara in Japanese text messages”. Journal of Japanese Linguisticsなど。


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American Measure: William Carlos Williams’s Vision of Free Verse

American Measure

William Carlos Williams’s Vision of Free Verse

  • Aya YOSHIDA/2021.3
  • JPY 5,000/A4 size, hard cover, 156 pages
  • bookdesign: Tamon Yahagi

William Carlos Williams championed the distinctive rhythms of American speech over against the English ones imposed in schools. He also resisted the foreign idioms embraced by Eliot and Pound, which he saw as a threat to the integrity of American verse. This was not a stay-at-home poet-doctor’s resentment of flamboyant cosmopolitanism, but obeyed a task imposed on him by the American language itself. Taking up this challenge, he found a new voice for America, in a style of composition which was by no means as free, casual, or direct as it might have appeared. Aya Yoshida shows this by tracing Williams’s quarrel with “free verse,” which he regarded as an oxymoron, and by uncovering the hidden prosodic discipline which was his lifelong concern. Central to this project was his invention of a ‘variable foot’ that replaced iambic constriction with a subtler music to catch the modern ear. The correlative experiments in typography that he also pursued throughout his career set up a dialectic between the aural and the visual, which could charge an individual image such as the iconic “red wheelbarrow” with a new kind of presence and significance. Yoshida’s analyses of these effects will kindle a thirst in her readers to renew acquaintance with this great American poet, and to make many similar discoveries of their own. –– Joseph S. O’Leary

(ISBN 9784861107320)

Table of contents

List of Abbreviations
List of Illustrations
Chapter 1 The Embodiment of Freedom
Chapter 2 So Much Depends Upon a Variable Foot
Chapter 3 Ut pictura poesis
Chapter 4 A Recognizable American Idiom
Chapter 5 Asphodels


Aya YOSHIDA is Program-Specific Lecturer at the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University. She received her Ph.D. in Human and Environmental Studies from Kyoto University. Her research interests focus on modern American poetry. Recent publications include “Surrealistically ‘glazed with’ the American Idiom: Williams’s Translations from French Verse and Prose,” published in William Carlos Williams Review 37 (2020).

Japanese English: A Descriptive Grammar

Japanese English

A Descriptive Grammar

  • Kolawole Waziri OLAGBOYEGA / 2020.2
  • JPY 6,900 / A4 size, softcover, 324 pages

Arguments rejecting the pedagogic notion of “Standard English” or “correctness”, and suggesting that all forms of English are equal, have resulted in the proliferation of terms such as “Indian English”, “Singapore English”, “Filipino English”, “Nigerian English” etc., which are claimed to be on precisely the same equal footing with “American English”, “British English”, “Australian English”. (From Chapter 1 Introduction: English in Japan)
(ISBN 9784861106804)

Table of contents 

Chapter 1  Introduction: English in Japan
1.1  English in Japan or “Japanese English”?
1.2  The English language policy in Japan
1.3  The EFL teachers and culture materials in Japan
1.4  The business of ELT in Japan
1.5  Educated speakers of English in Japan
1.6  Educated spoken English in Japan
1.7  The notions of “standard practice” and “divergence”
1.8  The purpose of the work
1.9  Scope, data and methodology
Chapter 2  The Structure of the Noun Phrase
2.0  Introduction
2.1  Grammatical categories associated with the constituents of the NP
2.2  Standard realization of the NP
2.3  Divergent realization of the NP
Chapter 3  Concord
3.0  Introduction
3.1  The principles that underlie the notion of concord
3.2  Realization of grammatical concord
3.3  Divergence relating to grammatical concord
3.4  Proximity vs. other principles of concord
Chapter 4  Order of Premodifiers
4.0  Introduction
4.1  The premodification structure in standard practice
4.2  Relative sequence of premodifiers
Chapter 5  The Structure of the Verb Phrase
5.0  Introduction
5.1  Verb classification in English
5.2  Standard realization of VPs
5.3  Divergent realization of VPs
Chapter 6  Prepositional Phrases
6.0  Introduction
6.1  The class of prepositions
6.2  Standard realization of PPs
6.3  Divergent realization of PPs
Chapter 7  Multi-word Verbs
7.0  Introduction
7.1  Multi-word verbs in standard practice
7.2  Standard realization of multi-word verbs
7.3  Divergence relating to multi-word verbs
Chapter 8  Educated written English in Japan
8.1  Divergence relating to articles
8.2  Divergence relating to noncount nouns
8.3  Divergence relating to concord (“grammatical discord”)
8.4  Divergence relating to the order of premodifiers
8.5  Prepositions
8.6  Multi-word verbs
8.7  Verbs
8.8  Stability and frequency of divergent forms
8.9  Distinctiveness
Endnote and Glossary of Terms


Kolawole Waziri Olagboyega

Professor (Chief) Kolawole Waziri Olagboyega is a British/Nigerian academic who is based in Japan. He is the Professor of English and Applied Linguistics at the Department of English, Faculty of Letters and Graduate School of Tsuru University, Japan. Prior to joining Tsuru University in 2018, he was the Director of the English programs and the Director of the Language Acquisition Center at the International College of Liberal Arts, Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japan. He had taught in the Graduate School at Akita International University in Japan from 2007 to 2014. Prof. Olagboyega has taught a variety of students at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Nigeria, the United Kingdom, Oman, North Cyprus and Japan. He is an alumnus of four universities including, the University of Sheffield (Ph.D. in English and Applied Linguistics), University of Cambridge (M.Phil. in English and Applied Linguistics), University of Greenwich (PGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training) and Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria where he obtained his B.A.Ed., graduated with a first-class honors degree in English Education and was awarded the student with the best overall performance (CGPA) in the B.A., B.A.Ed., B.Sc., and B.Ed. degree examinations in 1992.
Prof. Olagboyega is an accomplished scholar with four books and numerous scholarly publications. He has published widely in the areas of Applied Linguistics, Language Teaching and World Englishes with many publications in international journals. He is a Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Society. Two of his other books are:
1. Olagboyega, K.W. (2017): English Language: Structure, Varieties, Social Contexts and Learning. (Single-author); March 29, 2017; Yamanashi Gakuin University Press.
2. Olagboyega, K.W. (2013): Communicative Grammar for High School and University Students. (Single-author); January 25, 2013; Akita International University Press.

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On the Road to the East Asian Community: Modern History of East Asia Edited by Its Students & Citizens

On the Road to the East Asian Community

Modern History of East Asia Edited by Its Students & Citizens

  • OKUDA Takaharu & Editorial Board of the English Version “Higashi Asia Kyodotai Eno Michi” / 2019.12
  • JPY 6,000 / A4 size, softcover, 522 pages
  • bookdesign: Toshinobu NAGATA

An intellectual movement for writing transnational East Asian modern history project from viewpoint of public citizenship of its community: How could we achieve to “re-historize” compositions and conflicts on modernization in East Asia, as a basis for establishing new concert in the emerging East Asian community?
(ISBN 9784861106552)

Table of contents 

Preface to the English Edition
Foreword: From Editorial Board of Chapter I & II
Chapter I Modernizations in East Asia & Rising Imperialism In Japan: The “Western Impact” and Fates of East Asian Nations

§1. Domination of East Asia by the Western Powers & Establishment of the Meiji Government: Formation of Nation-State and its Problems in Japan
§2. Before and After of the Sino-Japanese War: Established Japanese Views on Asia and Development of “Modernization” in Korea and China
§3. Before and After of the Russo-Japanese War: Colonization of Korea, Subordinating China and Rising Imperialism in Japan
§4. The Xinhai Revolution: Development and Confusion of National Revolutionary Movements in China
Chapter II In the Era of Emerging Nationalism: People’s Struggles Fighting against Colonial Rules in Asia
§1. The March 1st Movement of Korea and the May 4th Movement of China: Evolution of Anti-colonialism & Nationalism in East Asia
§2. Around the Great Kanto Earthquake: Transformation of Japan’s Society and Escalation of Aggression
§3. Reflection on the 36 Year’s Colonial Rule over the Korean Peninsula: Various Aspects of Structural Violence Brought by Japan’s Imperialism
Chapter III The Asia-Pacific War, 1931-1945: War and Peace, Domination versus Peoples’ Struggles for Liberation
§1. The Manchurian Incident and East Asia: Illusion of Puppet Empire of Manchukuo
§2. The Second Shino-Japanese War: Peoples’ War, War Crimes and Responsibility
§3. The Asia-Pacific War: Peoples’ Struggles against the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere & Collapse of Imperial Japan
Chapter IV Nation State and Civil Society in East Asia, Straying Roads for Creating “Soul of Citizenship”
§1. The Cold War and East Asia: The “Hot War,” Construction of New Nations, and the Reform and Transformation of the Japanese Society
§2. Ambivalent Development of Nation State and Civil Society in East Asia
Chapter V Wisdoms for Tomorrow, From Reprisals to Reconciliation: Spirit and Hopes as Citizens of the Emerging East Asian Community
§1. The Era of Emerging East Asian Community: Our Way of Co-existence and Wisdoms for Tomorrow
§2. Long March to the East Asian Community
Chapter VI Thinking about Ourselves in the Contemporary East Asia: Questioned from Experiences of the March 11, Fukushima and Okinawa


OKUDA Takaharu & Editorial Board of the English Version“Higashi Asia Kyodotai Eno Michi”
OKUDA Takaharu is a professor of Faculty of International Studies, Department of International Understanding, Bunkyo University. Works: Milestones of Our International Studies (Souseisha, 2019), Our Globalization Studies, Bridge for the World and Tomorrow (Souseisha, 2017), Future & Goals of Our International Studies (Shinhyoron, 2015), and many others.

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Shakespeare Performances in Japan: Intercultural-Multilingual-Translingual

Shakespeare Performances in Japan


  • Emi HAMANA / 2019.9
  • JPY 5,500 / A4 size, softcover, 188 pages
  • bookdesign: Toshinobu NAGATA

This book is the result of three research projects: the Intercultural Performances of Shakespeare’s Plays, Intercultural Education through World Shakespeare Performances and Translingual Performances of Shakespeare Worldwide. Although these projects were closely related and built upon one another, this book is divided into two parts—Part I: Intercultural and Multilingual Performance and Part II: Translingual Performance—according to the order of their development, logical continuity and coherence. The outcomes of the critical explorations presented in Part I lead to the proposal of a challenging new field in Part II, set against the backdrop of a paradigm shift in language education and new approaches in theatre studies.
(ISBN 9784861106576)

Table of contents 

Part I Intercultural and Multilingual Performance
Chapter 1 This Is, and Is Not, Shakespeare: A Japanese–Korean Transformation of Othello
1. The Critical Impact of Local Shakespeare on Global Shakespeare: Othello in the Japanese Mugen Noh Style with Elements of Korean Shamanism: A Creative Subversion
2. The Critical Impact of the Japanese–Korean Adaptation of Othello on Global Shakespeare
Chapter 2 Performing Shakespeare after the 11 March 2011 Disaster: Yamanote Jijosha’s The Tempest
1. The Tempest as Prospero’s Apocalyptic Delusion
2. Caliban’s Binding and Torture on Stage
3. An Additional Japanese Ending
Chapter 3 The Last Shakespeare Plays Directed by Yukio Ninagawa: Possessed by the Power of Theatre
1. Richard II with Wheelchairs and the Tango
2. NINAGAWA (or Samurai) Macbeth: The Legendary Production Revived
3. The Two Gentlemen of Verona with an All-Male Cast
Chapter 4 Multilingual Performances of Shakespeare Worldwide: Multilingual King Lear, Directed by Tadashi Suzuki
1. Tadashi Suzuki and Multilingual Performance
2. A Short Performance History of King Lear (1984–2006), Directed by Tadashi Suzuki
3. The Four-Language Performance of King Lear (2009)
Part II Translingual Performance
Chapter 5 Translingual Performances of Shakespeare Worldwide with a Focus on Henry V
1. Fundamental Concepts and Facts
2. An Analysis of Henry V, Act 5, Scene 2
Chapter 6 Lear Dreaming, Directed by Ong Keng Sen
1. Basic Ideas of Lear Dreaming
2. An Analysis of Several Scenes in Lear Dreaming from a Translingual Perspective
Chapter 7 Safaring the Night: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Updated
1. Basic Information about Safaring the Night
2. An Analysis of Several Elements of Safaring the Night from a Translingual Perspective
Appendix: Performance Review: Sandaime Richard, written by Hideki Noda and directed by Ong Keng Sen. Performed in Japanese, English and Indonesian, with Japanese and English Subtitles.
Works Cited
List of Original Publications
Author Profile


PhD, Professor Emeritus of Tsukuba University, is currently Professor of English Literature at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University. She specialises in Shakespeare studies, cultural studies and English education, focusing on multicultural, multilingual and translingual performances of Shakespeare’s plays worldwide, along with intercultural collaboration in contemporary theatre. Her current research interest concerns cognitive and digital approaches to Shakespeare. Her publications include The Wonder of Gender: Shakespeare and Gender (in Japanese; Nihon Tosho Centre, 2004) and Connecting Cultures: From Shakespeare to Contemporary Asian Theatre (in Japanese; Tsukuba UP, 2012). She has also contributed to The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare, vol. 2 (Cambridge UP, 2016) and Shakespeare; His Infinite Variety (Lodz UP, 2017; to be re-published by Columbia UP, 2019), and to many academic journals. Her website is at https://emihamana.net.

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The Developmental Process of Japanese Elementary School Teachers Associated with Teaching English while Engaged in Lesson Study

The Developmental Process of Japanese Elementary School Teachers Associated with Teaching English while Engaged in Lesson Study

  • Akiko KAMBARU / 2019.2
  • JPY 5,900 / A4 size, softcover, 210 pages
  • bookdesign: Toshinobu NAGATA

This book analyzes the current situation of English language education in elementary school about in-service and pre-service teachers using the method of lesson study and qualitative approach. This presents new teaching methods and attitudes for implementation of English education based on each pedagogical and English experience.
(ISBN 9784861106347)

Table of contents 

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation of this study
1.2 Purpose of this study
1.3 Outline of this study
1.4 Summary of chapter
Chapter 2 Literature review
2.1 Research on teaching English in elementary schools
2.2 Research on teachers’ thinking in professional development
2.3 Research on lesson study
2.4 Methodological perspectives and paradigms
2.5 Summary of chapter
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Modified grounded theory approach (M-GTA)
3.2 Analysis procedure of M-GTA
3.3 Validity and reliability
3.4 Summary of chapter
Chapter 4 Study on pre-service teachers
4.1 About the school
4.2 Participants
4.3 The teaching practicum schedule
4.4 Data collection and analysis
4.5 Results and discussion
4.6 Summary of chapter
Chapter 5 Preliminary study on in-service teachers
5.1 About the school
5.2 Procedures of the school-based lesson study
5.3 Research lesson and post-lesson discussion
5.4 Findings
5.5 Summary of chapter
Chapter 6 Study on in-service teachers
6.1 About the school
6.2 Participants
6.3 Procedures of the school-based lesson study
6.4 In-service teachers’ views on teaching English
6.5 Descriptions of lesson study cycles in this school
6.6 The developmental process of in-service teachers
6.7 Summary of chapter
Chapter 7 Discussion
7.1 Developmental process of pre-service teachers (research question 1)
7.2 In-service teachers’ views on teaching English (research question 2)
7.3 Developmental process of in-service teachers (research question 3)
7.4 In-service teachers compared with pre-service teachers
7.5 Additional findings from this study
7.6 Summary of chapter
Chapter 8 Conclusion
8.1 Summary of the study
8.2 Theoretical implications
8.3 Pedagogical implications
8.4 Contributions of the study
8.5 Limitations of the study and directions for future study
8.6 Concluding statement



Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education at Tsuru University in Japan. She has 23 years of teaching experience at elementary schools in Japan and the United States, and has been an instructor for teachers. Her major is teaching English to Japanese children. Some of her achievements are below:
Kambaru, A. (2017). Elementary school teachers’ developmental process associated with teaching English in school-based lesson study. JASTEC Journal, 37, 103-118.
Kambaru, A. (2017). Jugyokatei to gakushushidoan no tsukurikata [Lesson procedure and how to make lesson plans]. In T. Higuchi, T. Kagata, E. Izumi, and T. Kinugasa (Eds.), Shinpen shogakko eigokyoikuho nyumon [A primer of Elementary school English education, new edition] (pp. 178-184). Tokyo: Kenkyusha.
Kambaru, A. (2007). Gakkoseikatsu no arayurubamende eigo wo tsukau kankyo wo tsukuru shogakkogakkyutannin no kokoromi [A challenge of an elementary school teacher to make an English environment in school]. Dai 56 kai Yomiuri kyoikusho saiyushushojyushosha rombunshu [56th Collection of papers of the highest award winner of Yomiuri education prize], 103-114.

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Asakusa 2011-2016: 6 Broadway Japanese Portrait

Asakusa 2011-2016

6 Broadway Japanese Portrait

  • Katsutoshi HATSUZAWA / 2017.5
  • JPY 7,000 / B5 extensional size, softcover, 520 pages
  • bookdesign: Hd LAB

Asakusa, apart from being a historic district of Tokyo, is one that reflects the inimitable character of Japan.
This traditional downtown area holds the classic spirit of the nation, a place still removed from the modernity of the city. Here, in the entanglement of the narrow streets, the roots of the culture are embedded.
The area provides a fascinating glimpse into the contradictory ethos of the people, combining the imagery of post-war nostalgia with the undesciplined rough edges of a township struggling to enter the present day.
It certainly cannot be classified as beautiful yet here lies its charm ― one uniquely Japanese.
(ISBN 9784861105470)


Katsutoshi Hatsuzawa


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Ishinomaki Hen-ei

Ishinomaki Hen-ei

  • Mamoru MIURA, Shoko HASHIMOTO / 2017.2
  • JPY 2,500 / A4 extensional size, hardcover, 120 pages
  • bookdesign: Jun KATSURAGAWA

Photographing Ishinomaki after the Great East Japan Earthquake. 75 photos, poetry and essay.

What a huge epic-lyric poem, a symphony of photographs and words! This is a record of the illuminations of countless souls, departing from the cruel claw marks in March and arriving to the celebration of the repeated activities between Gaia and human.
– Shohei Nakajyo (French literature)

Photographs intertwine with scenes, and words with photos. Flipping the pages leads you to another side of the world. Then, you will notice that. Being connected to over there is the way of prayer after the disaster.
– Hiroshi Hasegawa (philosopher)
(ISBN 9784861105302)

Table of contents

1  Mierumono to Mienaimono
2  Shigatsu ha…
3  Hikari he
4  Tanagokoro
5  Chinmoku no Taigyo
6  Helpless
7  Inori
8  “Odazumokko” tachi no Furusato
9  karra-n na Warai, Taigi no Nemuri
10  Mirume
11  Shiroi Michi
12  Syaraku – Ware to Nanji no Taiwa no Chihei he
13  Ishi ha Kudakezu, Senkin no Tama wo Tsugu
14  Kamome
15  Kodai kara no Rei ni Kiku
16  Hashi wo Wataru
17  Kurou wo Tomoni
18  Hikari no Sazanami
19  Myouzin-Maru
20  Chikara no Yowaku natta Ten
21  Bi no Yadori
22  Osanago
23  Fukumimi
24  Ryu no Tanjo
25  Hibi no Shinwa
26  Milky Way
27  Hatsuhi
28  Veil
29  Nagagutsu Seven
30  Ki to Matsuri
31  Uta wo Wasurenu
32  Kurashino naka de koso
33  Hi to Hi, Uchi to Soto to
34  Shigusa to Manazashi
35  Gogatsu no Uta wo Matsu
36  Hukaki Sekai yori
37  Wagami Hitotu
38  Baka Shashinka
39  Kasetsu
40  Daichi no Uta
41  Taue Uta ga Kikoeru


Mamoru MIURA
Born in Ikawa, Akita in 1957. He established Shumpusha Publishing in 1999. He is the author of a company history “Syuppan ha Kaze-makase”, essay “The home of my father” and poetry “chameleon” (Shumpusha Publishing).

Born in Ishinomaki, Miyagi in 1939. He received the new face award of The Photographic Society of Japan for the photo collection “Goze”(Nora Publishing). He is the author of the photo collection “Ishinomaki 2011.3.27-2014.5.29” and “The Kitakami River New Edition”(Shumpusha Publishing).

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